Training "Customer relationship management"

OBJECTIVE - to master skills and techniques of customer relationship management


  • To gain the knowledge of building the client-focused company
  • To structure the existing experience
  • To acquire new skills of maintaining long-term relations with customers

PARTICIPANTS - sales department managers and staff


Development and construction of customer relations system - focus on consumer, customer retention and company profitability

Different approaches to customer relations - trust, commitment, satisfaction, uncertainty and dependence, relations symmetry, loyalty

Stages of building trust - trust equation, reliability components

Process of customer identification - data classification and integration

Calculation of client importance ratio - total value of the customer, customers segmentation, management of clients’ portfolio

Differences in customers’ needs - definition, categorization, understanding the needs

Strategies of interaction – integration of the touch points, scheme of customer value, interaction and dialogue management

Ways of interacting with customers – software, mechanisms of personalization, e-mail

The client's privacy – definition of the permissive marketing, five steps to the client’s consent, confidentiality

Technology of customization – configuration and differences, focus change from supply to demand, concept of values flow

Stages of customer - oriented technology implementation - the transition from product-... to customer - focused business, competence of personnel, pilot projects and gradual changes, conversion stages for different company divisions


Servility and analytical skills


Training "Effective negotiations"

OBJECTIVE - to improve negotiation skills


  • To work out key aspects of preparing to negotiations
  • To learn the effective negotiation techniques
  • To deepen the understanding of the negotiation process psychology

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Training "Customer relationship management"

OBJECTIVE - to master skills and techniques of customer relationship management


  • To gain the knowledge of building the client-focused company
  • To structure the existing experience
  • To acquire new skills of maintaining long-term relations with customers

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